Squirrel Seeks Tree, My Life Metaphor

Just start . . .

Just start . . .

Just start…

My friend Andrea from college kept encouraging me to blog because my email messages were entertaining. But I never followed through.

At a Cinco de Mayo party in 2023, a former boss who survived injuries from a life-threatening car accident (She had to be extracted from her car with the Jaws of Life) and was pursuing her oil painting and improv classes, said, “Just start! You can start writing now! You don’t even need to type! Just talk into your phone!”

I took in her advice but did nothing.

Soon after I saw a rare albino squirrel near a tree at the bank branch where I do business. I saw the squirrel on two separate days. When I told people about it, some said, “that’s a dead squirrel; white is not a good color for squirrels trying to blend in.” But a couple people said, “You need to buy a lottery ticket! A white squirrel is a good luck symbol.” Buy a lottery ticket or start writing?

So, just start writing already!