My younger brother died unexpectedly but peacefully in Michigan in January of 2023. Circumstances made me the manager of his final resting place and assets. I discovered I was a talented manager. I know I am a talented problem solver.
I live in Atlanta. With the help of my brother’s extraordinary next-door neighbors and a great attorney, I recycled, donated, and otherwise liquidated the assets of the estate in ways that would have made my CPA brother proud.
I have lived in the same house for over 40 years and, until recently, I told people I was from Michigan. I grew up in Michigan, but I am from Atlanta where I moved to be near relatives who have all moved away from Atlanta. But I am still here. I just need a new perspective.
Impulsive actions resulted in lost opportunities and relationships. I got knocked to the curb and bruised and battered, but I never broke a bone or needed stitches. I am squirrelly but not suicidal. From the time I finished my bachelor’s degree I have been seeking purpose.
I found myself falling into openings that needed filling, volunteer or paid. I never knew a passion. I can speak, write, and organize, and I type fast with three fingers on each hand. I’m a quick learner and like learning and solving problems. As a result, people bring their problems to me.
But I am the problem I need to solve. I need to (re)discover my purpose.
I am inspired by my remarkable niece and remarkable nephew and their equally remarkable spouses and children. I love all the animals in my life. I am seeking new perspectives. I am seeking a new tree.